Saturday, August 25, 2018

Finding Love in Adoption

Finding Love in Adoption

As many of our followers know, we support a family each month that is going through the adoption process! Last month we had the Bernard Family join us, they shared their story of their precious Katie who they are adopting from China! We decided to extend their month into February!
Image of {Chosen Child} Adoption BandHow can YOU show love to the Bernard family? There are two ways:  All of the proceeds from the Chosen Child fit bands will go to this family (they would make a great teacher gift for valentines day) Go to our shop and buy one!
The second way you can support this family is by going to Cap Creations and purchase a necklace here!

If you missed reading about the Bernard family here is a little more about them:
"Paul and Shecki have been parenting a long time, starting with their 7 biological children.  In 2010, they adopted their daughter, Hannah, from China.  They knew before they left that they would be back someday for a Chinese sibling for her.  Now they are paperchasing for Katie, age 2, who shares Hannahs special need of limb differences, and has club foot, as well.  They hope to travel in May or June.

 Here is their blog. They would love to have you follow along on their journey!
If you are going through an adoption or if you know of a family that is trying to do fundraisers to support their adoption be sure to contact Julie at

About the Author: Julie Steed is the director of Worthy of the Prize Orphan Ministries. She runs both the Chosen Child Adoption Ministry and the Orphan Ball Ministry. Julie has a BA in Psychology and is working towards her Masters in Counseling, hoping to become an adoption counselor someday soon. Julie is married to C, a College Dorm Director.

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