Thursday, August 30, 2018

Beautiful Tree for a Week in Grecia Costa Rica

Beautiful Tree for a Week in Grecia Costa Rica

This morning we had some business in the beautiful, clean and notably cooler town of Grecia. The drive from Atenas to Grecia is only about 20 minutes, basically down one mountain and up another, but the ever-so-slight difference in altitude lowered the temperature just enough for me to crave more. The breeze was like an air conditioner outside and before we left the bustling Saturday goers in Grecias happening town center, I noticed the most beautiful yellow flowered tree posed next to the picturesque gingerbread red church. A friend told me it only blooms for one week every year. This is the Yellow Cortez tree and it was stunning with vibrant yellow clusters against the red metal backdrop.
This is the end of the dry season and I have noticed spots of orange, lavender and now yellow throughout the dry to lush jungle covered mountains as we drive around. The interesting thing with these trees is they have no foliage, only flowers, while the rest of the year, they have leaves. Another is the Gallinazo Tree, which are the perfect shade of lavender.
Below is a Malinche Tree in full bloom on the side of a highway in vivid orange. These trees have been around since the beginning of the dry season, so I know they bloom for more than one week, but worth mentioning since they are like splatters of paint throughout the jungle and countryside.
We had the most beautiful wildflowers in Texas this time of year. I thought I would miss the Indian paintbrushes and bluebonnets covering the grounds like a painters blanket, but in Costa Rica, I look up to see color spotted throughout the mountainous horizon. Pura Vida!

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