Sunday, July 8, 2018

Secret Waterfall Grecia Costa Rica

Secret Waterfall Grecia Costa Rica

I will give you a hint, it is cold, but we are not giving it away. We have a secret waterfall very near our home in San Isidro de Grecia that we often visit. Today was a perfect morning to enjoy some fresh, cold, clear mountain water after a medium hike. We do not drink it, but the kids love to play. We stopped at the regular oblong volcanic rock stop for a snack of delicious beef jerky and were greeted by a little puppy.

He followed us up to the falls. He was blonde and about 4 months old. He was plenty fat so hopefully someone is feeding him, but I think he was a stray. Oh, so cute, he was a wiry haired jack russel type.
So this is the secret entrance to our waterfalls, up and around to the right...shh..dont tell anyone. As if it could not get any better, there is an older woman than lives near the falls and she brought us some lemon dulces from her tree. They are sweet enough to eat in Costa Rica, like natural lemon drops.
Sara and Max enjoy a Tarzan swing before taking a plunge, brrrr, the water is too cold for me.
Time to carefully head up the rocks to the higher falls, back and forth. Kids are too cute!
Max and Josh are double checking, but the sand was very soft and the water was clear.
They both slid down the rocks into the larger pool. How are we going to ever get them out of here?
We called him "Perrito" and I was worried the kids were playing too much with him as he almost followed us home. He was so cute and looked similar to our own kids with the blonde hair. Matt constantly reminded me, "No Dear! We are not keeping him. 3 kids and 2 dogs is enough :)" 
At the last turn, we were happy to see him bolt towards a house. It was a perfect morning hike before the afternoon rains.   Watch our video for some giggles. Pura Vida!

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