Sunday, July 1, 2018
CW01 London to Brighton Connex Years Scenario Pack Released
CW01 London to Brighton Connex Years Scenario Pack Released
I have just uploaded a scenario pack to the DPSimulation website, courtesy of Chris Willis.
This scenario pack is based around the late 90s in the years that Connex were in control of the South Central Franchise. The pack includes 10 detailed and engaging scenarios based on the 1999 national timetable. Train reporting numbers and details of each service have been added to each piece of AI to ensure a realistic experience.
As with all scenario packs at DPSimulation, in order to provide the most realistic experience possible, the requirements list for this pack is quite extensive. The readme can be viewed from the download page, or from within the download package itself.
Although I always endeavour to try and provide support for all content on the DPSimulation website, the fact I have not created this pack means by troubleshooting knowledge will be limited. However, the author has provided an email address within the readme.
This scenario pack can be downloaded from the Free Scenario Packs page by clicking here.